Monthly Archives: September 2012

Sand Dunes in Rajasthan – Experience the Desolate and Stark Beauty of the Thar Desert

Experience the desolate stark beauty of the Thar Desert either by hitch hiking a ride atop the ship of the desert or by going off-roading in a powerful SUV. The whole exercise depends on the number of days you have in hand and the kind of experience you are seeking.

Rajasthan is famed for its glorious heritage in the shape and form of magnificent palaces, famous forts standing as silent sentinels to the bygone historical era and the various beautiful Hindu and Jain Temples dotting the landscape. This is not the complete picture though, an adrenaline thumping drive in a powerful 4×4 off roader across dry riverbeds or the undulating sandunes is sure to evoke the boyhood drerams from the deep recesses of the heart of an Individual.

The journey is bound to mesmerize you with the undulating landscape changing every few kilometers, green farmlands are alternated by fallow areas, the monotony of flatlands is broken every now and then by rocky terrain. Having camels for transport and the solitude of the desert giving you company till you arrive at a tented enclave to spend a night camping. The journey holds special charm while you see small hamlets pass by. The scant vegetation provides a stark backdrop to the bright and colorful dresses adorning the locals.

Given the fact that luck is on your side you might even pass a green belt set amidst the hostile desert terrain. What explains this aberration, so to say is a thick layer of Gypsum underneath the soil surface which acts as a substrate aiding water retention and the ensuing vegetation. The moisture on the upper strata supports various life forms, the unique flora and fauna. Wild life is plentiful, once in a while you criss-cross across villages and Dhanis which are actually mini villages, a settlement of extended families outside the villages.

On your way you might encounter deceptive topography wherein a seemingly hard surface could actually turn out to be a thin crust with treacherous sand underneath. Stop for an impromptu picnic at one of the hamlets to refresh yourself enroute.

When the night descends you may experience an eerie feel as opposed to a scary feel. Chances are that you can catch strains of a desolate tune from the string Instrument being played by a local inhabitant. The aborigines have devised ways and means to cope with a seemingly unyielding terrain. They make the most of the minimal resources that nature has bestowed upon them.

The way in which nature has panned out resources for this water scare part of the world has only added to the cheerful disposition of the people. In stark contrast to the inhospitable terrain the inhabitants are quite hospitable. They wear gleamy white smiles and their colourful attire makes them appear as novel as the splendid palaces that abound in the region.

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Senior Citizen Tours in India: Places to Visit

India has been a destination of choice for many a senior traveler from across the globe. India is an exotic tourist destination for senior travelers and offers great tourist experiences. Senior citizen tours in India are now more exciting than before. The rich heritage sites, alternative medicine spas and resorts, the rejuvenation spas, the spiritual places and its people have attracted tourists from all over the world.

Places to visit for senior travelers: Traditionally senior citizens to India descend on the pilgrimage sites like Varanasi, Haridwar and Rishikesh or destinations in southern India besides the more famous destinations such as Rajasthan, Delhi and Mumbai.

A visit to India affords international travelers an opportunity to experience modernity intertwined with traditional beliefs. Several popular tourist destinations appeal to the travelers like Chennai, Shimla, Dehradun, Kerala, Goa, Agra, Amritsar, Jaipur, Udaipur, Mumbai, Mysore, Khajuraho etc. As is evident there are numerous places to visit which obviously cannot be covered in a single trip. It is prudent to choose from various customized packages like wildlife, beach, local traditions, culture and architecture among others.

city palace jaipur

No matter what you choose you can be assured to have an experience that will give you an all new insight into life.

Precautions to be taken by senior travelers: Generally the senior travelers in India are safe. It is always a good idea to travel in groups of 3-4 people. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry or such ornaments. Avoid carrying too much cash or goods. Keep your medicines at hand, in a hand bag so that they are easily accessible. Take care of travel documents and passport. Avoid undue attention or advances by touts and other such vendors. Inform the nearest police station in case of trouble, or take help from people nearby.

Senior people are said to be enjoying their second innings, they are living the golden years, which need not be their twilight years passing into oblivion rather it can be a journey of celebrations. The power packed tours evoke those bygone college years once again. The gossip corner, the chaos surrounding the annual day performances, bunking lectures, the fun and frolic and the memories are relived all over again. So let you hair down and join the bandwagon for unlimited fun.

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